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Different Types of Haunting's


Residual Haunting


Do you see the same apparition doing the same things all the time? Do you hear the same noises, possibly at the same time of day, each time they are heard? Does that ghost seem to not even realize that you are there? If the answer is yes to any of these, you may be witnessing what is known as a residual haunting. Some of the most famous haunting appears to be residual ones.


A residual haunting is a playback of a past event. The apparitions involved are not spirits; they are "recordings" of the event. I believe that this will be the first type of haunting that main stream researchers will recognize and study. There are numerous theories on how these residual haunting come to be. The main one will be discussed here.


Video and audio tapes capture sounds and images on a film of special material that has been oxidized or rusted. Certain building materials, such as slate used in older castles and stone structures and iron nails used in many older buildings, have properties similar to that of the tapes. When a traumatic event occurs or a time of heightened emotions, these materials record the event for future playback. Everything is made up of energy and energy cannot be destroyed. The materials store the energy created by these traumatic events and plays them back at a later time. The Tower of London's ghost of Anne Boleyn and the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall are two famous examples of residual haunting.


We are not sure what causes the playback of the events that still remains a mystery. Is it the right weather conditions, the witness's energy or sensitivity or some type of energy release? That is the question that we as researchers are trying to answer.


As I said, in a residual haunting, there is no spirit involved. This type of event is not dangerous at all so if you ever have the chance to witness one, do so without fear and enjoy it. This type of haunting has to be considered when investigating a haunting.


When my group goes to a haunted location, we spend the first hour split into two teams. One team maps out the area, noting any EMF readings and Temperature readings so we have guidelines to judge other readings by. We also make note of how the building is constructed and set up. The other team is conducting interviews with witnesses. The questions are setup to find out if the activity sounds like a spirit, poltergeist, residual haunting, etc. If we feel the activity is a residual haunting we will set up a stakeout in the location the ghost is often seen or heard. This is the best way to observe and possibly capture evidence of the event. It may take many return trips and hours of sitting there staring at nothing. It is very tedious but if it something occurs, you will forget very quickly about all the time you sat waiting for it to happen.










Intelligent Haunting


Or a "human" type of haunting. In these manifestations, the entity or entities encountered seem to possess human personalities and emotions, albeit in a limited scope. They may at times appear visually in human forms, and are responsive to changes in external conditions such as the activities of the occupants of a household, the presence of investigators, or the rearranging of furnishings in a setting, all of which suggest their formerly having existed as living, cognitive beings. These are what we call, presently lacking more applicable, scientific terminology, spirits or ghosts. Invariably they seem to be attached to particular sites, vicinities or dwelling places, usually though not exclusively houses. Disembodied voices from these spirit beings are sometimes registered on audio recording devices: spool or cassette tape recorders or digital recorders. This is known as 'Electronic Voice Phenomenon' and is abbreviated to 'E.V.P.' We sometimes find unexplained distortions imprinted on photographic film exposed at the site of a suspected haunting, which were initially not perceived by the photographer. The most frequent of these photographic anomalies is the appearance of "orbs"/"globules." These are spherical forms that are seen either singularly or in multiple images. They can be picked up by both still photographs and by videotape, the latter displaying them in motion. They're generally translucent and whitish, although they can appear in faint hues of red, orange, blue and green. Naturally, a responsible investigator must consider all possible explanations prior to ruling any irregularities to be genuine, paranormal phenomena.


Demonic Haunting


Or an "inhuman" type of haunting. It is perhaps of other-dimensional origin, and is often possessed (no pun intended) of a quite hostile nature. Anyone who has up close and personally encountered a demonic entity in action never wants the experience repeated; no one I've spoken to, anyway! It often evinces a form of intelligence (initially similar to a "human" type of haunting) in that it may insidiously seem to anticipate the approaches of the person(s) it menaces, including any paranormal investigators who are endeavoring to rid a home of its presence. Endemic to this most unwelcome infestation is a pronounced psychological instability, distress or unresolved conflict on the part of a resident or residents of the household subjected to the demonic assault. Additionally, experience has supported the observation that someone originally had to have invited in the demon, perhaps inadvertently, either through crying implements such as an Ouija Board, conducting séances, in disciplined psychic experimentation, performing magic ceremonies or by habitually conversing with unseen presences (imaginary friends?). It should be mentioned here that while some of these devices may at first appear to be utterly harmless and regarded as tools to aid in tapping into one's sub consciousness, the results can be likened to leaving open one's back door in a country setting. Now, you may only have some little squirrels and chipmunks wander into your kitchen, but odds are that eventually you'll find yourself facing down a bear, maybe a small cub, IF YOU'RE LUCKY. And keep in mind, where there's one "bear," others are lurking somewhere close by!


Shadow People / Creatures


This is a type of haunting activity that has no real explanation.  They are different from ghosts.  They are usually shapeless dark masses.  Mostly seen with your peripheral vision.  They  are known to do things that are different from ghosts.  They can move between walls, they have no human features, they wear no clothes (except for the hat / hooded figure shadow creatures).  People who encounter them, have a feeling of dread.  Clairvoyants that encounter shadow people, say they do not feel they are human and consider them non-human.


Shadow People have no discernible mouth, noses or facial expressions.  Some are seen as child sized dark humanoids.  Some people say they seem to be made up of dark smoke or dark steam.  At times when they move, they appear to be moving on an invisible track from one place to another, such as a toy train on a small scale railroad track.  They have been seen to hop or what appears to be a strange dace.  They are known to stare at the floor.


Common Questions

What is Paranormal?


It’s a unique word that describes the anomalous phenomena taking place.  Defined as phenomena which in one or more respects exceed the limits of what is recognized as physically possible according to current scientific findings.


What is an Investigation?


An inquiry into circumstances surrounding an allegation or incident.

What is a ghost?


A ghost - or spirit or apparition - is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Most researchers believe that these spirits do not know they are dead. Very often they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch - and sometimes they can just be sensed.


What is a Spirit?


Most people are of the opinion that the terms “ghost” and “spirit” can be used interchangeably.  This is definitely not the case.  While a ghost is simply a psychic recording or groove, a spirit is the actual sentient presence, or soul, of an individual or individuals who have remained in the material world after his or her physical body has died.  I strongly believe that if somebody can help a spirit that is trapped in this world move to the afterlife, he or she has an obligation to do so. 


What is a Poltergeist?


Poltergeist (German for “noisy ghost”).  At first glance, the poltergeist may appear similar to ghosts and spirits, but upon closer examination, the differences far outweigh the similarities.  One characteristic in which poltergeists differ from ghosts and spirits is that the activity is usually concentrated around one person, rather than an area.  This person is called the “epicenter”.  If the epicenter gets irate at the poltergeist and demands that the activity ceases, generally there is an abrupt stop in any activity for awhile.


There are some common traits among most epicenters.  It has been found that poltergeists tend to manifest around individuals who are dealing with great physical and emotional stress, and that most are adolescents going through puberty.  Another common characteristic is that epicenters are fairly quiet-natured people, without a great many friends or associates.  They tend to spend most of their time alone and are of average to above average intelligence.  Epicenters are not really prone to playing practical jokes or pranks, which makes the poltergeist a much unexpected event.




What is an Entity?


Entities are what many people would consider angels or demons.  They are completely spiritual or ethereal in nature and actually have never lived as human beings.  This type of manifestation is fairly uncommon and in the vast majority of cases where entities are suspected, the real culprits turn out to the simply ghosts or spirits.  Entities will act differently than spirits, ghosts, or poltergeists.  Remember that ghosts are simply recordings that have no way of communicating with the living.  There is simply no life left.  Spirits may actually communicate with people, but usually tend to do so by thought, dreams, or by signs that may be of special significance to a loved one or the people toward whom the message id directed.  As for the poltergeist, although there may appear to be a slight intelligence involved, the actions are generally centered around one individual.  One of the major characteristics that may clue you in on the fact that you are dealing with an entity is an overwhelming sense of good or evil associated with apparition.  Dealing with entities is definitely one case where listening to your feelings and instincts may be the best thing you can do.  There are two major types of entities that a ghost hunter may encounter: angelic entities and demonic entities.


What is an Angelic Entity?


Angelic entities serve mainly as messengers or protectors.  Generally, when an angelic entity is encountered, it is a very private matter between the entity and the individual or individuals that were meant to witness it.  Other people in the room or area may not actually see the angelic entity, but they may feel a very strong sense of peace and well being.  Apparitions of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary would be included in this category.


What is a Demonic Entity?


Demonic entities are not very common. Demons are usually encountered only after an individual or individuals invite one into their lives in one fashion or another.  The most common way is for people to play with various forms of divination that they have not been trained in properly, or even at all.  The typical scene, where a group of teenagers at a slumber party pull out an Ouija board, is a perfect example of inviting a demonic presence into their lives.  A person who is not well versed in the occult may play the Ouija board in order to find an answer to an everyday problem or question.  “Who will I marry?” “What will I be like when I grow up?” “Is there anybody out there who can hear me?”  If two or more people are using the Ouija board, the entity will usually concentrate on the one with the lowest psyche.  In this case psyche refers to the amount of natural or learned spiritual protection a person may have.  A person’s psyche is like any other ability in that it can vary from person to person, but it can be strengthened through study, practice, and discipline.  Once an entity of this type arrives, it is very difficult to send it back to its original plane or existence.  A priest or other professional versed in dealing in this type of phenomena should be consulted.






















Common Paranormal Terms and Definition




:  “Messenger of God,”  a celestial being, benevolent in nature and if visable, appearing in human form, and possessing miraculous abilities such as teleportation, healing power and knowledge of future events.  There have been accounts of angels aiding people in times of crisis throughout the ages, albeit with no real consistency to their “modus operandi.”



:  The projection or manifestation of a quasi-physical entity.



:  Formal, ceremonial, procedure effected to cast an invisible presence or influence out from an area.  This term can refer either to a spiritual cleansing or the closing of a magical rite, when the invoked powers are dismissed.



: A less ritualized form of exorcism, where in a dwelling or site is purified and malevolent influences are banished through prayers, spoken as the petitioner moves through the area.



:  Hostile and resentful entity, supposedly of non-human origin, which some believe to be “fallen (from grace) angels.”



:  A filmy, quasi-solid substance which supposedly issues from the bodies of mediums (from the mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears, navel, or nipples) during trance states.  In photographs, this phenomenon seems to resemble soaked muslin fabric.  Whether or not it has ever been genuine, curiously, virtually no ectoplasm has been reported in the past fifty years.



:  A disembodied “consciousness” commonly referred to as ghost, spirit or (if of an apparently malicious or resentful nature) demon.



:  “Electronic Voice Phenomena” Disembodied voices and sounds imprinted on audio recording devices.



:  Ceremonial expulsion of invading spiritual/demonic entities from a person or dwelling, present in virtually every worldly culture.  The Jewish and Catholic Christian faiths each have a formal rite of Exorcism to be conducted by the respective Rabbi or Priest.









:  The image of a person witnessed after his/her death, reflecting the appearance of the living, physical body yet less substantial.  These forms often seem to exist in a dream like state of semi-awareness, at times though not always cognizant of their human observers.



:  “The Eve of All Hallows”, also known by Pagan Celts and Wiccans as “Samhain” (pronounced, Sow-an), October 31, the night proceeding the Catholic Church’s All Saints Day.  For a millenium, in much of Europe and the British Isles, this was held to be the night when departed relatives were especially remembered, and the veil separating the realms of the living and the dead was rendered thinner than usual.  Jack-O’ lanterns were placed on stoops and window-sills to frightened off malicious spirits.  Hallowe’en is presently celebrated as a night of revels and masquerading, and in Mexico it is part of a traditional annual festival known as ‘El Dia De Los Muertos’ (the day of the dead).



:  The manifestation of a ghostly presence, or presences, attached to a specific local.  Hauntings can be categorized into four (usually) distinct types, these being Intelligent (responsive), Poltergeist (likely initiated by pent-up stress on subconscious level), Residual (replay) and Demonic (non-human origin)



:  A magical working, or “spell”, cast to influence a person’s will or fate, most often refering to a curse rather than a blessing or healing.





: Stemming from medieval lore, a demonic entity capable of sexually arousing and sometimes assaulting human females.  Cases of apparent incubus attacks continue to be documented, suggesting a germ of reality behind the myth.



:  Repeated and persistent paranormal phenomena, generally centered around a particular location or person(s).  Also known as a haunting.



:  An invisible entity of undetermined nature, effecting the inhabitants of a dwelling.  This may initially manifest as an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness, then be followed by more definite signs which reveal a haunting.



:  A phenomenon sometimes encountered in haunting, particularly with poltergeists, rare yet credibly reported, were solid objects (including persons) are moved and lifted by an unseen force.  The first historically documented occurance was that of St. Francis Assisi in the 14th  century





:  A prophet, seer and visionary, especially one of renown.  Also, a special device which aids in prognostication, such as a crystal ball.



:  Spherical image, usually translucent white, though sometimes of a reddish or bluish hue, which inexplicable registers on photographic film and videotape, also known as “globule”.



:  The realm of occurances and phenomena removed from those  to which people are accustomed and comprehend, and presently uncategorized by standard academia.



:  The avenue of paranormal studies research relating chiefly to psychic abilities and spiritual phenomena.



:  German for “noisy ghost”.  This is an extremely rare occurance where random objects are moved and sounds produced by an unseen force, the sole purpose of which seems to be to draw attention to itself.  The phenomenon always involves a specific individual, frequently a child or adolesent.


Poltergeist Agent


: A person around whom poltergeist activities seem to revolve.



:  Invasion of the human mind by a spiritual or demonic entity,  where the invading agent for a span of time, influences of entirely subverts the personality of the human host.  It is in these instances that the boundaries of psychology, religion and spiritualism are rendered less distinct.


RESIDUAL ( haunting )

: Psychic imprint of a scene which is repeatedly played out, where the witness of such phenomenon essentially is peering into the past.  The ghostly participants of these time displacements often seem unaware of their living observers.



:   A group effort to contact the spirit world.  In standardized format, the lighting of the chamber in which the séance is conducted is subdued, and the participants sit around the table, either holding hands or with hands palm down, flat against the table’s surface and with fingertips touching those of the adjacent partners.  A candle generally is set on the center of the table.  The appointed director or “medium” addresses the spirit with whom contact is sought, and then it’s “We await a sign”.



:  Existence apart from, or transcending, the purely physical; also, the life force of an organism.  A spirit commonly refers to a ghost.







:  Vortexes or Vortices.  An anomaly which sometimes shows up in a still photograph taken at the site of a suspected haunting, appearing as a translucent white, tube or funnel shaped mass.  Some researchers believe this may be a porthole to the spirit realm.

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